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Description: The CCCB Ad hoc Committee for the Preparation for the Jubilee 2025 is hosting a two-part series titled, "A Great Symphony of Prayer" which will enable the faithful one meaningful way to participate in the Year of Prayer which was announced by Pope Francis on 21 January 2024.
The Jubilee Office in Rome has prepared a series of booklets on prayer, the themes of which will be taken up during the webinar series.
For each official language, there was one four-part webinar series in the spring with one more four-part webinar series in the fall.
Dr. Josephine Lombardi (St. Augustine's Seminary) presents eight English-language webinars on prayer:
Spring Series: "A Great Symphony of Prayer: The Our Father as a Programme of Life": Available at 1. Why did Jesus address God as Father?
2. Seeking God's Kingdom and Knowing God's Will 3. Daily Bread and the Gift of Forgiveness 4. Managing Trials and Resisting Evil
Fall Series: "A Great Symphony of Prayer: Mary, the Saints and Scripture"
5. Thursday, October 3 (1:00 - 2:30 pm EDT): Praying with Mary/The Rosary 6. Thursday, October 10 (1:00 - 2:30 pm EDT): Praying with the Saints/St. Teresa of Avila 7. Thursday, October 17 (1:00 - 2:30 pm EDT): The Prayer of Jesus/John 17 8. Thursday, October 24 (1:00 - 2:30 pm EDT): Lectio Divina/The Storm at Sea
Registration for the fall series (English) is now open.
The French-language webinar series will take place in October 2024.
These webinars will be recorded and packaged with a reflection guide and made available on sometime after the completion of the final session. Please register for at least one session for in order to receive a notification that the packaged recordings are available.
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Webinar ID: 833 9123 8332
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