All CISND schools meet the curriculum Ministry of Education requirements. In addition to these requirements, students must take Religious Instruction each year. Along with learning about the Roman Catholic Faith in religion classes, every effort is made to integrate the Catholic faith into other courses. All schools exceed the 850 hours instructional time requirement.
"The Ministry of Education sets the education standards for students in grades K to 12 through the provincial curriculum. These standards are called Prescribed Learning Outcomes (PLOs). PLOs outline the expectations for what students should know and be able to do at each grade and within each subject area. In addition to provincial curriculum, Boards of Education (Public Schools), and Education Authorities (Independent Schools) have the authority to develop local curriculum in areas where a provincial curriculum does not exist."
Find out more here.

Elementary and Middle Schools
Elementary and middle school students are required to receive 850 hours of instruction in the areas of:
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education (as well as Daily Physical Activity on days when they do not have PE instruction)
Fine Arts (Grades K-7 require Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts; Grades 8 & 9 require at least one Fine Arts)
Health and Career Education (HACE)
Second Language (Grades 5 to 8 only)
Applied Skills (Grades 8 & 9 only - at least one of Technology Education, Information Education, Home Economics, Business Education)

High School
High School students are required to receive 850 hours of instruction. Students have some mandatory requirements but a vast majority of a student's program is by choice. In order to graduate, students must earn a minimum of 80 credits (with at least 16 at Grade 12 level) in the following areas:
Language Arts (12 credits; must pass provincial exam in Grades 10 and 12)
Social Studies (8 credits; must pass provincial exam in Grade 11)
Science (8 credits; must pass provincial exam in Grade 10)
Mathematics (8 credits; must pass provincial exam in Grade 10)
Physical and Health Education (4 credits)
Fine Arts (4 credits)
Planning (4 credits)
Graduation Transitions (4 credits)
All CISND Students
All of our students are required to take Religion and Family Life (diocesan requirement).
Beyond the curriculum, our schools offer a number of optional extra-curricular activities for students.
Such activities, which are based on student and parent involvement, may include:
Track & field
Cross-country running
Science fairs
Chess club
Bands (jazz & concert).